The P3 Mission

Transform the way healthcare is accessed, financed and delivered.

The P3 corporate mission is to demonstrate the business value of providing safe, effective, timely, patient-centered, efficient, equitable health care through the institutional transformation and turnaround of hospitals by way of projects that analyze, design, implement and teach financial, clinical, and operational excellence.


Transform healthcare through the relentless pursuit of perfect patient care by acquiring and partnering with acute care hospitals, all stakeholders and the communities they serve. Achieve the world’s best patient outcomes by creating a superior health system.

P3 Vision

A hospital with a culture where it’s possible for all employees, clinical staff, affiliation partners, leadership and board members to say “Yes” to three propositions every day without reservation:
  1. I’m treated with dignity and respect by everyone I encounter every day without regard to my job title or education attainment or my race or my ethnicity or my gender or any other distinguishing characteristic.
  2. I’m given the things I need--education, tools, training, and encouragement--so I can make a contribution that gives meaning to my life.
  3. I’m recognized for what I do.

P3 Values

What caregivers can expect from P3 affiliate hospitals:
  1. A patient-centric organization that manages with integrity, honesty, and open communication.
  2. A commitment to recruit and retain superior physicians and staff.
  3. Governance and Leadership committed to providing resources, tools and unwavering support to our physicians, nurses and all clinical workforce and departments as you strive to deliver excellent care.
  4. A commitment to continually respond to and make changes necessary to ensure ongoing availability of world-class, clinical care.

What patients and hospital leadership can expect from all caregivers in return:
  1. Focus on decision making that serves the needs of patients and their families.
  2. A commitment to treat all encountered with respect and dignity, and a commitment to embrace a team approach to achieving excellence in patient care.
  3. A commitment to professional development including maintaining current knowledge within an individual’s area of expertise.
  4. Use of objective measures of clinical outcomes to improve the care given.
  5. A recognition that personal change will be needed to accomplish organizational goals.
Together we commit to these essential principles and the community we care for and patients we serve can expect:
  1. A system with a goal of “zero preventable harm” for each and every patient
  2. All patients receive appropriate and evidence-based care, whether preventive or for acute or chronic conditions
  3. A system that eliminates racial and cultural disparities in access to, and in the delivery of, health care
  4. Those who deliver care are rewarded on the basis of objective performance measures related to the quality of clinical outcomes
  5. Patients receive what they need to make informed choices
  6. Health system leaders, especially trustees and board members are strong and consistent advocates of quality on behalf of those we serve
  7. Savings from a safer, more evidence-based and cost-effective health care system are reinvested in a way that slows the spiraling cost of health care and improves the health of the community we serve